Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol, some types of cancers are major health risks due to obesity.

Causes :- overeating, excessive intake of heavy or cold food and drinks, oversleeping, lack of exercise, frequent snacking, eating processed food and leftovers, eating while multi-tasking and eating food that is not suitable to one's body type (prakruti).

In Ayurveda obesity commences with imbalance of doshas (Vata, Pita, and Kapha), an imbalance of agni (digestive fire), an imbalance of the malas (waste products) or an imbalance of shrotas (microcirculatory channels).

This collection of imbalances then interferes with the formation of tissues or dhatus and leads to a tissue imbalance that we experience as excess weight, the key cause is found in lifestyle and diet choices that disrupt balance.


Benefits:- Regular sessions of UDVARTAN will helps in
•Reducing weight
•Reducing body mass index (BMI)
•Reducing waist-hip ratio (WHR)
•Reducing serum lipid values
•Imparts mobility to joints, strengthens muscles
•Reducing the stress inventory
•Improves the skin tone
•Regularize the sleep and quality of life
Duration of treatment :- 45 minutes


VIRECHANA KARMA (THERAPEUTIC PURGATION) is a purification process that is used to treat metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes mellitus(prameha), kushtha (skin diorders)

Purva karma (before procedure)
•Deepan & pachana - (regulation of digestive fire)
•Snehpaan - abhyantara (medicated oil/ghee intake)
•Snehan - bahya (MASSAGE WITH MEDICATED oil)
•Swedan - bahya (steam- thermoregulation)

Shuchi purvak Virechan aushadhi sevan
Assesment of virechana
Sansarjan krama( dietary management )


What is obesity?
Generally, a patient with a body mass index, or B.M.I., of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight; one with a B.M.I. of 30 or higher is considered obese.
What kind of treatment ANANDVED CLINIC will give me for obesity ?
1. Udvartanam (with specially formulated combinations )
2. Sukhpurvak Virechan
Does obesity cause complications?
Yes. Obese patients are at a risk of developing Diabetes mellitus, Cardiovascular diseases and Hypertension in the long term.
How much weight should I lose with ANANDVED CLINIC'S protocol ?
Weight losing process is gradual.
But with panchakarma treatment you will loose 3-8 kg weight instantly.
Does a low calorie diet help in losing weight?
Yes. Weight reduction can be achieved by reducing food intake and by regular exercise. A low calorie diet should constitute a low carbohydrate, high fiber, moderate protein and a low fat diet
Does meal frequency matter?
Some patients find it helpful to eat small meals five or six times a day. Complicated regimens involving macronutrients consumed only at certain times of the day have not been well supported by research.
Do I need gastric bypass surgery?
This procedure is an option only for people who are severely obese and cannot lose weight by other means. Studies suggest that gastric bypass surgeries associated with several side effects and may sometimes be fatal. It should be emphasized that surgery should be considered only for those with gross, intractable obesity.
Is it safe for me to exercise? How should I begin?
Most obese people are capable of moderate aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, gardening, dancing. Moderate exercise usually is safe even for obese patients, though it is wise to undergo a physical evaluation before beginning a new program. Patients should begin slowly with activities they enjoy. Regular daily exercise will help in reducing than exercising once in a while.
What if I lose weight and put it back on again?
Some studies suggest that weight cycling, or yo-yo dieting, may be linked to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gall bladder disease and other health problems. Keeping exercise as a routine habit will help in reducing weight than exercising once in a while. Strive to maintain a modest 10 percent weight loss before trying to lose more.
Any suggestion on life style modification?
Life Style modifications such as
Mild to Moderate exercise according to individual capacity.
• Regular habit of Brisk morning walk for 30 minutes.
• Avoid sedentary habits.
• Avoid excessive sleep.
• Avoid watching TV while having food.
• Avoid Alcohol and Smoking
What kind of diet do you recommend for me?
Avoid diets that are rich in fats. Diet should be wholesome with sufficient fiber content. Fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of any long-term diet.